(Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/97540031823?pwd=dEJrRW1LakFlWnZPelI3VGxoVjg2dz09)
EMEA Friendly Time (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20220607T150000&p1=224&p2=179&p3=1440&p4=195&p5=47)
- 8 am Tuesday Los Angeles time
- 11 am Tuesday New York time
- 17h Tuesday Paris time
- Housekeeping
- Antitrust notice - https://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy/
- This meeting is being recorded
- Please Mute unless speaking
- If you have a question use the raise hand feature
- General Announcements
- CI update(Matt Nelson (Deactivated) )
- Provided a CC from ConsenSys for December
- Matt Nelson (Deactivated) update
- in discussion with HF
- good news: withdraw directly from nodes after withdrawal is enabled
- DCO issues
- Github action is apparently currently broken since July
- Issue to fix the GHA: https://github.com/hyperledger/besu/issues/4837
- Several commits on main since July have no DCO and were included in releases
- CI update(Matt Nelson (Deactivated) )
- Release updates
- Cut a release several days before the release, 28th ( Gary Schulte )
- Only one PR to discuss
- release process discussion on the proposal
- 1rst: Friday cut-off prior to release
- 2nd: Process that delays a release
- Cut a release several days before the release, 28th ( Gary Schulte )
- Work Updates
- Shanghai planning
- Withdrawals and EVM EIPs (minus EOF) - we're on the current testnet with this branch: https://github.com/hyperledger/besu/pull/4818
- Q2 timeframe for withdrawals (Jiri Peinlich (Deactivated) )
- EOF merged today (Diego Lopez Leon )
- Withdrawals and EVM EIPs (minus EOF) - we're on the current testnet with this branch: https://github.com/hyperledger/besu/pull/4818
- Shanghai planning
- Other Business
- new channel in HL discord on Shanghai
- Roadmap input for the new planning phase (Matt Nelson (Deactivated) )
- key focus on fixing issues in the code base
- Prio hard forks
- privacy features
- asking for inputs
- Metrics Review - https://insights.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/projects/hyperledger%2Fbesu/dashboard;quicktime=time_filter_3Y
- Roadmap Review - Roadmap - roadmap pending proposal and discussion
- Open Forum - skipped
- Future Topics - skipped