Audio: dummyfile.txt
Video: dummyfile.txt
- Announcement on skipped last call because of ethcc / hlgf
- Housekeeping reminders
- Conferences:
- ethCC:
- 1.x
- stateless talks- Piper Meridam shootout + will be needed for besu in the future
- Eth2 research updates
- Besu shoutouts and talks
- COVID19 problems
- Unfortunate timing with EthCC
- EEA and DAML talks did Besu shoutouts
- Good presence on Besu workshop
- Not many more coming up
- Upcoming virtual conferences
- Intercon
- Edcon
- Ethereal NY
- Consensus 2020
- Releases
- 1.4 out
- 1.5 planned for Q2
- Long beta cycle had good reasons, but with unintended consequences
- Try to avoid it net time
- Calendar timing was bad, with holidays in between
- ETC was impacted by the long release cycle as well
- MultiTenancy, TLS, Tracing APIs were released
- Trace-block coming in 1.4.2
- External Kafta and postgres plugins have been released
- Next v1.5
- Performance improvement coming up
- Stateless : on-demand state retrieval, instead of retrieving everything
- KECHACK mining on ETC, phoenix is rolling (equivalent of istanbul)
- Mainnet EIP work:
- Eth2 BLS precompile
- EVM changes
- EIP 1559: fee market change
- Work started for 1.5- probably on mainet by EOY
- 1.5 RC - Shipped before summer
- 1.6
- 1.x work continuation
- Other consensus algos
- Privacy group consensus
- X-privacy group comms
- On-chain privacy
- Certification
- Contact us if you want to participate in the certification
- Next contributor call